LuxUnplugged Podcast

Thierry and Adrien discuss the genesis and the behind-the-scenes of LuxUnplugged at a Luxembourg Society event in London and dive into their 2022 plans.

Show Notes

Thierry and Adrien are warmly welcomed by Sophie Weber in the context of a live event at the Luxembourg Embassy, organised by the Luxembourg Society in London. Celebrating the second anniversary of the podcast, they dive into the history of the venture and discuss the motivations that led to the launch of the project back in 2019. Having rarely talked about themselves in great detail since the start of this endeavour, Adrien and Thierry take this opportunity to describe the behind-the-scenes of their whole podcasting machinery, ranging from the choice of the guest to the preparation of the agenda, up until the release of each episode. Sophie also intriguingly enquires about their respective styles of approaching prospects and asks them to walk her through notable stories that marked important milestones during the LuxUnplugged journey. Finally, they provide more details on their 2022 projects and what the audience should be looking forward to.

What is LuxUnplugged Podcast?

People from Luxembourg are quite familiar with the country’s discreet approach when it comes to blowing its own trumpet at the global scale. Despite its relatively small geographic print, the Grand Duchy punches well above its weight on the world stage!

This podcast is here to shed light on Luxembourg’s global influence from the perspective of two Luxembourgers living in London.