The State of Men


In today’s episode, Mike & Aydian interview Larry D Moore about crypto and its future. He explains how he transitioned into full-time trading after entering the crypto rabbit hole. He also dives into the complete shift that is happening inside of our financial systems. We also covered the importance of having access to things. 

- We define what crypto &  blockchain is and how we will use this technology in the future.
- What decentralized currency means and how the technology works
- How the bitcoin network and how that 
- Why this technology is going to be the gamechanger for the smaller countries around the world
- Is bitcoin more valuable because of the scarcity of availability? 
- Why bitcoins market cap will exceed Apple & Gold, and how that will happen
- Why the financial system isn’t working for everyone

What is The State of Men?

The State of Men is hosted by two Elder Millennial work-from-home-Dads, Mike Watts (cis man) and Aydian Dowling (trans man).

A funny and real-life approach to being Men in the 2020s The State of Men is taking a deep dive into masculinity to talk about what we do, and why we do it.

We believe a better future for our world is in part the responsibility of the Men in it. We invite all men to do the work and fix their shit, so we can leave a legacy we are proud of.

Societally, men have been brainwashed into a narrow view of masculinity through which they can't see their full potential. Gender norms are changing, the glass ceiling is shattered, and home life has been reinvented. So what does it mean to be a man in this new world?

The State of Men is a funny, honest, real-world look at the stigmas that exist around men.

The truth is men want to fix their shit, but where do we even start.