Eurodollar University

Eurodollar University Trailer Bonus Episode 1032 Season 1

China’s Economy Is COLLAPSING and It's Spreading to Rest of the World

China’s Economy Is COLLAPSING and It's Spreading to Rest of the WorldChina’s Economy Is COLLAPSING and It's Spreading to Rest of the World

If you are in any way interested in precious metals,  you need to see what today's video sponsor, Monetary Metals, is doing with them at the link below:

I am also doing a webinar on how The Global Economy is Breaking: What Comes Next & How to Prepare, you can sign up here:

While the world is lost in the "recession scare", China comes along and adds its considerable deflationary weight to it by reporting more outright price deflation. Both consumer and producer. Together with a sharp drop in imports, this global loss of macro momentum is certainly not lost on China. That can only mean one thing: more government debt. 

Eurodollar University's Money & Macro Analysis

CNN China’s deflation problems get worse

What is Eurodollar University?

Jeff Snider will guide you through the realm of monetary science. Multiple episodes uploaded each week, discussing big news and key current events, the state of markets and what they are telling you, as well as historical summaries and deep background material so that you can understand what’s really going on in this eurodollar’s world.