"The meaning of life"
Welcome back Joe and welcome to a new format.
Here at the ten thousand things we have decided to tackle the ten thousand things that distract us from loving awareness one thing at a time, so we will now be devoting each episode to one topic where we can really delve into the questions we ask.
This week we have TTTT listener Oly ask us what is the meaning of life? We explore what means to us personally and what does it mean for us collectively.
Sam believes we need to take responsibility of our own meaning and the meaning we ascribe to others, but ultimately it should be about fun.
Ali believes we have a purpose but is unsure that purpose has meaning, however we can find meaning in moments.
Joe has a more sentimental take and believes those connections can't happen in isolation but with people.
We hope you enjoy the new format and appreciate any feedback, you can find us on instagram and threads @thetenthousandthingspodcast.
Sometimes deep, often amusing, therapeutic chats touching on philosophy, spirituality, religion, consciousness, culture, music, dating, and life. Join Sam, Joe and Ali as they discuss the 10,000 illusions that make up “reality”.
Musical theme by Ehsan Gelsi - Ephemera (Live at Melbourne Town Hall)