The Ruby Blend

GitHub sponsors is a thing

Show Notes

  • Ron Cooke
  • Nate Hopkins
  • Andrew Mason


Show Notes

[00:03:13] GitHub sponsors starts the talk on this episode, and how a
 few people have reached out about Stimulus Reflex asking how they can
 support the project and the various contributors. Ron shares what he's
[00:05:30] Ron has been working on ramping up a Legacy Rails App that
 fell out of maintenance and it was a lot more painful than he wanted it
 to be with Gem conflicts and Gem lock files. He gives a lesson on what
 you should do.
[00:10:29] Ron gives great advice that it is so important to keep your
 tests up to date. If it wasn't for the tests that he has at his current
 job, he would be "sunk."
[00:15:04] Nate is curious and asks Andrew if he can talk about
 specifics about why he was getting "chastised" on making a change in the
 app and it messed up something else. He talks about what happened and
 how it was fixed. Ron brings an interesting point about "bugs" and what
 a "bug" actually is.
[00:18:49] Andrew puts a plug in for Jason Swett, who has a podcast he
 does on Rails and he puts a lot of testing materials around Rails, so
 you should check it out.
[00:19:25] Ron asks the guys when they are writing tests and if they
 write tests first or last, and how do they feel about it?
[00:25:24] Talking about tests and "hairy" problems, Nate and Andrew
 recently had a deep pair session with Stimulus Reflex Sessions, so Nate
 explains what happened.
[00:32:18] Andrew announced that along the "JavaScripty" side of
 Stimulus Reflex, Web Packer 5 came out and then 5.0.1. He asked if Ron
 ugraded and what version of Rails he is on, which is then followed by
[00:33:49] Nate wants to know what is on Webpacker 5 so Andrew
 explains what they've added. Ron is curious to know how many people or
 how many projects are using it. If anyone knows, tweet the guys at the
 Ruby Blend on Twitter to let them know.
[00:41:17] Ron talks about how it's been for him working remotely from
 home for a full week. He explains why it's been a little rough for him.
 Nate also talks about his kids being home and how it's been challenging.
[00:46:25] Andrew has a quick hack if you need a good router. He
 really likes Nighthawk from NetGear. He also talks about upgrading to
 Cat 6 cables to boost your speed.
[00:47:15] Andrew brings up with the massive shifts and changes we are
 going through, and how is it going to have an impact on college
 educations and if it will lower the value of a college education doing
 online school. Nate and Ron share their views on this as well.
[00:53:50] Andrew mentions they would love if you could rate them on
 iTunes or hit the star in the Overcast player. Also, you could write
 reviews to help them continue to make more content and get some guests
 on the show.

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The Ruby Blend is a Ruby focused podcast bringing you panel discussions, guest interviews, and much more to keep you up to date on what’s happening in the Ruby development community mixed with sprinkles from other developer communities.