Beyond the Screen

In this podcast, we delve into controversial topics surrounding technology and its impact on society. From the unsettling reality TV show Falso Amor that utilizes deepfake technology to psychologically torment individuals, to the expansion of Microsoft's AI chatbot, Bing Chat, to non-Microsoft browsers, we explore the ethical dilemmas and potential consequences. Additionally, we discuss the thought-provoking perspective of Geoffrey Hinton, a prominent AI researcher, who argues that AI systems could have emotions. Join us as we navigate through these complex issues, raising important questions about the intersection of technology, ethics, and human emotions. ★ Support this podcast ★

What is Beyond the Screen?

Explore the world of AI, ChatGPT, and AR with "Beyond the Screen" - a unique podcast hosted by Frank Nanninga. Each episode takes a deep dive into cutting-edge technology and its impact on our world. What sets "Beyond the Screen" apart is that it's entirely AI-powered. The artwork is created by Midjourney, news sourced by OpenAI, and even the host's voice is cloned. - each episode is crafted by AI to create an immersive experience.

The best part? "Beyond the Screen" is available in English, French, German, Spanish, and Hindi with the same AI-generated voice.