The Connected Mom

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Boy...parenting can sure be "inconvenient" right? As a busy mom, you know that everything shifts when you become a parent. But let this conversation encourage you to embrace--and activate--the opportunities that come along with parenting your children. This conversation will help you think about the unique traits that God gave your kiddos. Our dear guest, Melissa Hannigan, shares the heart behind her book "Inconvenient Parenting: Activate Your Child's God-Given Traits." You're sure to glean some gems from her honesty and practical encouragement.


Inconvenient Parenting: Activate Your Child's God-Given Traits 

Hope and help for shaping Christ-honoring future generations.

Families are like little churches. They are meant to be places of discipleship, worship, and rest—places where we can fine tune the gifts God’s given us so we can bless the world. They can be full of surprises and joy. But family life can also be heartbreaking and downright discouraging. Trained counselor and mother Melissa Hannigan knows how hard it is to cast and keep a vision of rich family life. How do we cultivate a family culture that’s vibrant and encouraging—a refuge amidst life’s storms?

Melissa is passionate about helping families build healthy, strong, God-honoring homes. In Inconvenient Parenting, she shares twelve qualities that are the key ingredients to that desired end:

Wisdom — Wonder — Vitality — Sensitivity — Flexibility ­­—Curiosity —

Creativity — Imagination — Inventiveness — Playfulness — Humor — Joy

Melissa shows us why, though inconvenient at times, it’s necessary to encourage and infuse these traits in our children and reveals how we can unknowingly discourage these qualities. Each chapter concludes with practical activities, book recommendations, and discussion questions to help parents immediately apply the principles discussed.

Get you copy of Cultivating a Deeper Connection in a Lonely World

Creators & Guests

Becky Harling
Author of How to Listen So Your Kids Will talk and several others. Podcast host of The Connected Mom. A dynamic speaker who is passionate about Jesus.
Melissa Hannigan
Jesus girl, married to my best friend, homeschool mom, lover of good books and great coffee, running (and walking then running again) and all things Disney!

What is The Connected Mom?

Form a deeper connection with God, more empathetically connection with other Moms, and more intentional connection with your child.