The Legal Means Business Podcast

The words “fun” and “law” don’t often come in the same sentence.
But what would it mean if we started weaving fun into the day-to-day of in-house legal?
Sure, it might sound a bit flippant at first, but more and more studies are proving the value that a fun approach to tasks can have on the quality of the output and the fulfilment and sustainability of individuals and teams.
Thankfully, in this episode, we’re joined by two advocates for fun law.
Elizabeth de Stadler calls herself a rehabilitated lawyer and is now Founding Director of new-era legal consulting firm, Novcon.
Elizabeth’s colleague Liezl Van Zyl is a communication designer and plain language enthusiast, and today they share what exactly is “fun law” as well as how in-house legal professionals can embed fun in their day-to-day.

What is The Legal Means Business Podcast?

A podcast for the in-house legal leaders & functions of tomorrow.