Of Sound Mind and Music

Step into the world of theatrical acts with our special guests, Cliff and Parms from the band Cevilain. 

In this episode, we explore the intriguing fusion of music and performance art, delving into how theatrical elements enhance live shows and deepen the listener's experience. Join us as we unravel the nuances of their unique approach to music, from pop crossovers to the incorporation of occult and religious themes. Together, we ponder on the delicate balance between authentic expression and the art of putting on a captivating act.

Throughout the episode, we touch on thought-provoking topics such as the purpose of theatrical acts in delivering more than just music, the evolution of emo music, and the significance of conveying meaningful messages through their platform. Cliff and Parms also share their insights on the incorporation of occult and religious themes, shedding light on the fine line between artistic expression and pandering.

What is Of Sound Mind and Music?

Bite-sized, informative, and all about the music. Of Sound Mind and Music deals with everything encompassed within the annals of music, unraveling its profound connection to human emotion and history itself. Join host Nick Perrozzino as he delves into the rich tapestry of musical genres, eras, and cultures, uncovering the melodies that have shaped societies and touched souls across time.

From the soul-stirring symphonies of Beethoven to the raw, rebellious energy of rock 'n' roll, each episode immerses you in the sounds and stories that have mirrored our deepest feelings, joys, sorrows, and aspirations. Through interviews, immersive storytelling, and immersive soundscapes, we'll unearth the hidden narratives behind iconic compositions and introduce you to the maestros who crafted them.

Whether you're a seasoned music aficionado or a curious newcomer, prepare to be moved, inspired, and enlightened. Tune in every week for a sonic voyage that transcends time and space, and let the music unveil its secrets about our shared humanity.