Health Talk Radio

NUCLEOTIDES: The Fountain Of Youth.

Are Nucleotides the missing macronutrient we’ve all been deprived of?

Dr Peter Koeppel joins us today to discuss why he’s dedicated his entire life to the study / use of nucleotides.

Nucleotides are essential for cellular health throughout the body, but why isn’t anyone telling us, are we being robbed on purpose?

We talk about the correct way to optimize your immune function, and how Peter has found a way to reverse aging.

Dr Koeppel discusses what he has witnessed first hand in patients, given only weeks to live, who take nucleotides and are still living an amazing life 20 years later!

We also hear about the long standing allergies that were positively improved within 5 minutes of taking nucleotides and much more.

This episode will literally blow you away, and I can say, that since listening I haven’t missed one day with my Nucleotides.

So tune in and learn why nucleotides are non-negotiable, an a absolute must for you, and those you want to be healthy and around for a very long time.

Michael & Paul

If you want to learn more about Nucleotides after listening, here’s the link >>®-x-cell

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What is Health Talk Radio?

“Health Talk Radio” is a weekly podcast that aims to uncover the truth about health, while offering solutions to some of the most common health challenges. We believe your health can only be as good as the information you receive, and after helping hundreds of thousands of people get healthy worldwide through our own work, it was time for us to come together and educate the masses with an all-new, funny, yet very informative health show.

Best-selling author Michael Morelli, and Clinical Nutritionist Paul Burgess set out to attack the world's biggest health challenges in a brand new Health Show that will have you laughing, taking notes, feeling amazing, and in much better health. Tune in each week as they cover current health trends, outdated research, bs science, and common diseases, this is the one Health Podcast that needs to be on your Playlist. Press play and see for yourself.