Orcs in the Office

Randy Baker, the CEO of I’m Not Finished, is a business consultant with more than 40 years of experience. He helps executives build great businesses while building reputation capital, bigger exits, and higher valuations.

In this conversation, Randy, with his huge experience, is like an Ent of the business world except he doesn’t talk slowly. He explains all types of orcs in business and who is the ugliest of them. These orcs are not so easy to see, like in the Lord of Rings, but they create a huge amount of damage. Like he said, there is a huge chance you have at least one, if not a whole horde, in your office already.

Roy and Randy discuss the power of math, strategies to avoid orcs, willingness to do the work and fight with all challenges of today’s business world, and all creatures from Middle Earth.

Show Notes

🧙‍♂️ Meeting the orcs for the first time and business wizardry outside of the Middle Earth world. 01:18
👔 Orcs in business are so different and not so obvious like in Lord of the Rings. 02:20
🤓 When you hire the biggest and ugliest orc: identifying all the steps for bypassing the army of orcs. 04:08
📉 The ugliest orc in the world: this one stops you from growing. 08:43
💼 The insidious and ugly orc: they will use the good cause but... 09:42
⚠️ Third worst orc: odds that this one is already in your organization are very high. 11:02
🧮 Are all orcs bad? Vigilant channeling of their nature and the power of math. 12:30
⚡ Randy is a highly experienced business consultant: willingness to grow your own business is a powerful force for skyrocketing your revenue. 14:32
🧠 Most business owners get stuck in level 250 to $500,000 of revenue. 16:27

🕴️ Connect with Randy: www.iamnotfinished.com
🚀 Connect with Roy -You don’t need giants, we have: www.integrallift.com

What is Orcs in the Office?

Every office has its orcs. And it's probably you. Well, Roy Lawrence, CEO of Integral Lift Trucks in Austin, Texas, is hunting business orcs, and his conversations with them will be wide-ranging. From what they do, to how they survive, to why their skin is so green (and why they don't brush their teeth more often). No, seriously, you have to listen to this — it's fantasy fiction meets The Office, but with real business conversations.