Work Less, Earn More

Today, we're going to dive deep into my 2023 journey, exploring the strategies that proved successful, the ones that didn't quite hit the mark, and those that landed somewhere in between.

Throughout this episode, I'll be sharing insights into various aspects, including my approaches to content creation, making effective price adjustments, scaling up content production, the exciting launch of a public affiliate program, and my ambitious experiment with a four-day work week. Join me as I reflect on both the wins and challenges of these endeavors.

I can't stress enough the importance of authenticity in the entrepreneurial world. I'll discuss why resisting the comparison trap—whether it's with others or future self-projections—is crucial for long-term success.

If you're looking to optimize your own productivity and success strategies, this episode is a must-listen. Join me, Gillian Perkins, on the Work Less, Earn More podcast, and let's navigate the entrepreneurial journey together.

Listen to the full episode to hear:

  • Get an insider's perspective as I break down the strategies that defined my 2023
  • Explore the challenges and lessons learned from attempting a four-day work week.
  • Discover why resisting the temptation to compare oneself to others or future self-projections is a key ingredient for sustained success.
  • Gain valuable insights as I candidly share both triumphs and hurdles faced throughout the journey.

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What is Work Less, Earn More?

Work Less, Earn More is the podcast that explores how to get the most out of every hour you work. Gillian Perkins brings more than a decade of experience as an entrepreneur and educator to help you design a business that's not only flexible and fulfilling, but highly profitable. She shares strategies that are working in her own business to save time and maximize profits. She also features interviews with successful business owners on how they’re achieving big things in their businesses with crazy-little time investment. Share Work Less, Earn More with an overworked entrepreneur you know who could use a change of pace!