Have You Herd About Animals?

PIKA PIKA, Herders!

A pika is a small, mountain-dwelling mammal native to Asia and North America. With short limbs, a very round body, an even coat of fur, and no external tail, they resemble their close relative, the rabbit, but with short, rounded ears.[3] The large-eared pika of the Himalayas and nearby mountains lives at elevations of more than 6,000 m (20,000 ft).

Pikas prefer rocky slopes and graze on a range of plants, primarily grasses, flowers, and young stems. In the autumn they pull hay, soft twigs, and other stores of food into their burrows to eat during the long, cold winter.[4] The pika is also known as the whistling hare because of its high-pitched alarm call when diving into its burrow.

The name "pika" appears to be derived from the Tungus pika,[5] and the scientific name Ochotona is from the Mongolian word outrun-a, оготно, which means pika.[6] It is used for any member of the Ochotonidae (/ɒkətoʊnɪdeɪ/),[7] a family within the order of lagomorphs which also includes the Leporidae (rabbits and hares). Only one genus, Ochotona[7] (/ɒkəˈtoʊnə/ or /ɒtʃəˈtoʊnə/), is extant within the family, covering 37 species, though many fossil genera are known. Another species, the Sardinian pika, belonging to the separate genus Prolagus, has become extinct within the last 2000 years owing to human activity.

The two species found in North America are the American pika, found primarily in the mountains of the western United States and far southwestern Canada, and the collared pika of northern British Columbia, the Yukon, western Northwest Territories and Alaska.

Creators & Guests

Sam Solkovitz
Co Founder of Have You Herd About Animals?
Tyler Inhofe
Co Founder of Have You Herd About Animals?
Hugo Escobar
Head Editor of Have You Herd About Animals?

What is Have You Herd About Animals??

Tyler and Sam bring a fun and diverse range to the topics of animals, with witty puns and fun antics. Hop on in with them and your kids into the diverse world of animals. This podcast is appropriate for all ages and will ALWAYS remain kid friendly (not too kid friendly) for the purpose of educating our future generations of Animal Activists.

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