
A live listening lounge featuring works from London's talented radio makers and podcasters.

Show Notes

Once a season EastCast leaves the studio for their live Listening Lounge event where submissions from radio makers and sound artists are played to a live audience. This is the broadcast version of this event held on the 20th June at Set Space in Dalston, featuring works by Dan Wilson, Samuel Shelton Robinson and the Kitchen Sisters, Jessie Lawson, Lucy Dearlove, Michael Umney, Lucia Scazzocchio, Eloise Stevens, Hebah Fisher, Ed Baxter and Chris Janes as well as live sound art performances by Hannah White and Stephen Shiell’s Blanc Scoel Project and Mike Brooks. For more information about EastCast and EastCast Away: www.eastcastshow.com

What is EastCast?

EastCast is a forecast you can rely on for everything arts, culture and community related in East London.