Nurau Insights

Similar to “Managing Minds at Work”, “HeadCoach” is an online training module designed for managers that offer both responsive and preventive strategies when dealing with the mental health needs of their staff. HeadCoach both improved manager’s confidence and led to changes in their behavior compared to a control group, although it was unable to detect any change in employee health and wellbeing.
We discuss the limitations of fully online trainings such as low adherence and the perpetual theory-to-practice gap that can plague such interventions.

Link to article:

What is Nurau Insights?

Welcome to Nurau Insights, a podcast series that provides valuable insights into the world of workplace mental health. Presented by Hosts Vivienne Tam and Peter Smith, who are excited to bring you the latest research in organizational psychology, workplace well-being, and mental health.

As professionals in the field of workplace mental health, we understand the importance of creating a healthy and supportive work environment for employees. That is why we have dedicated this podcast to exploring research in the field and to share new insights and knowledge with you.

Each week, we will discuss a new journal article that sheds light on ways to improve mental health in the workplace, both for individuals and teams. We will also explore practical strategies and tools that managers and employees can use to enhance mental health and well-being in their work lives.

Join us as we dive into the latest research and discover which Nurau insight you can implement in your workplace today!

*More on Nurau:

Nurau combines employee learning and wellbeing to provide organizations with unparalleled access to cutting-edge live mental health & wellness micro-training. Nurau reduces stigma, increases awareness and reduces burnout for organizations everywhere.