Shine Brighter: Choosing a Life of Greater Clarity, Purpose, and Joy
Interview with Fred Dodini

In this My Life Now episode, Dallas interviews Fred Dodini, author of Shine Brighter.

About the Book:
Shine Brighter provides a clear pathway to help committed people achieve their highest and brightest potential.
In an increasingly lonely, chaotic, and darkening world, more people are struggling to find direction in their lives and to achieve greater connection and cohesion in their relationships. As many people see the social and political connections between people deteriorate, they are also discovering that the bonds that hold marriages and families together are weakening too. In the face of these mounting challenges, good people everywhere need an axiom that unites them and a plan of action for achieving the best outcomes for themselves, their families, and their communities. Shine Brighter shares a simple yet essential truth about human beings’ purpose and destiny. Throughout its pages, Fred Dodini, PhD, PAPA explains how the sun, the moon, and the stars provide models to assist individuals in making the most important decision of their lives.

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