Mook Presents the "WE NEED ANSWERS" Podcast

We Need Answers presents a new series titled Hood 2 Hood. I came up with this series after watching several youtube shows where different narrators discuss neighborhoods and cities but never give the people who are a part of these places a voice. What made me give my own twist to this was the constant negative light that the narrators choose to discuss. I rarely come across videos where the positive good things are discussed along with the experiences. With Hood 2 Hood I plan to shed light on all the neighborhoods from East, West, South, North East and North West. My first guests are Pooh Man (@poohdaddy_5favdad) & B (@Stay.true.4eva) . They came on to discuss their upbringing all throughout the neighborhoods within the infamous Pennsylvania Avenue.

What is Mook Presents the "WE NEED ANSWERS" Podcast?

Tune in with your host Mook as he gets to the bottom of some of the questions that most of us would love to ask everyday people because at the end of the day WE NEED ANSWERS.