Patria Del Cuore

Valentino pushes the boundaries of his new living situation with his uncle Sergio. Nico reveals a long held secret.

Show Notes

Patria Del Cuore was written and directed by Alana Corrigan. Assistant Director and Stage Manager, Taylor Baptise. Your host and producer is Sophie Gentle of 90.5 KCSU, Colorado State University’s student run radio station. 

Ryan Wilke: Sergio Fanucci
Ryan Leibold: Valentino Fanucci
Adam Isaacs: Nico Silvestri
James Fagan: Gabriele Fanucci

All actors and writers were part of the Colorado State University theatre program.

Special thanks to producers Cam Warren, Hannah Copeland, Sam Bonefe and Matt Gusmerotti. For more podcasts, visit

What is Patria Del Cuore?

After his nephew is disowned from his family for being gay, single and childless vineyard owner Sergio takes the boy in to raise him. In the process, Sergio must confront his own identity and feelings.