UMN Extension Field Crop IPM Podcasts

Dave Nicholai gives an update on planting progress with Dr. Seth Naeve and discusses weed management tactics early in the season with Dr. Debalin Sarangi. Weeds such as waterhemp are already emerging with the warming temperatures. They focused on herbicide options for weed management, especially how to time pre-emerge and post-emergence options along with possible tank-mix strategies.

What is UMN Extension Field Crop IPM Podcasts?

Hosts Anthony Hanson, Dave Nicholai, and Bill Hutchison at the University of Minnesota alert growers, ag professionals and educators about emerging pest concerns with Minnesota Field Crops, including corn, soybean, small grains and alfalfa. They offer useful, research-based pest management solutions.

Dr. Anthony Hanson, IPM Educator - Field Crops
Dr. Bill Hutchison, Coordinator of the MN IPM Program
Dave Nicolai, Crops Extension Educator & Coordinator of the Extension Institute for Ag Professionals