The Midnite Hour with Tom Bobbajobski

Where Tom is back in lower Lake Huron. Enter the absurd world of Huron City Radio, with Tom Bobbajobski, broadcasting from The Kitten's Taint. Fake Station-Real Funny.

Show Notes

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An hour of entertainment from Huron City and The Grey Water area.  Music comes all the way from Planet Peach and the drama is The Stowaway. 
This week features the the Phone In Talent Show of the damned.
"So I've just found out some good news! It's my favorite show of the year, as tonight, I'm unreliably informed, we have Tom Bobbajobski's 22nd annual Talent Contest Gong Show Extravaganza!  You have a talent you'd love to share with the world?  Then call in and we will provide a global stage as listeners from all around the Kitten's Taint tune in with anticipation to hear what you talented people do in your spare time after you've finished chopping wood or delousing the livestock. Don't delay, book your slot now!  Same number as always, 321, 76, 42, 000-13."
Plus all the regulars- Tom's Top Tips, the Underwater Weather report, What's On in Huron City, the Competition winner, and, of course, Tom's Poetry Pocket.
*The show is rated explicit for content because Tom leaks the occasional profanity. That's all. 

What is The Midnite Hour with Tom Bobbajobski ?

Unique spoof comedy from a little grey ship in lower Lake Huron. Join the absurd world of Tom Bobbajobski with his phone in guests, top tips. weather from the bottom of the lake, what's on in Huron City and the Grey Water Area plus music and drama and much much more. Best enjoyed in order, from 1-12!