The Veterans Disability Nexus

Welcome to The Veterans Disability Nexus, where we provide unique insights and expertise on medical evidence related to VA-rated disabilities.
Leah Bucholz, a US Army Veteran, Physician Assistant, & former Compensation & Pension Examiner shares her knowledge related to Independent Medical Opinions often referred to as “Nexus Letters” in support of your pursuit of VA Disability every Wednesday at 7 AM. 

Leah  discusses military sexual trauma (MST) and the resources available through the VA for veterans who have experienced it. She explains MST as encompassing any unwanted sexual activity during military service, including harassment, assault, or coercion, and notes its lasting impact on individuals. Leah highlights VA-provided support, including fact sheets, MST coordinators, and various therapies like cognitive processing therapy (CPT) and eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR). She emphasizes the importance of seeking help, acknowledging the challenges of addressing MST within a military culture that often stigmatizes vulnerability. The video also introduces a mobile app and community-based vet center counseling options, urging veterans to take advantage of these resources for their mental and physical well-being.

What is The Veterans Disability Nexus?

Welcome to The Veterans Disability Nexus, where we provide unique insights and expertise on medical evidence related to VA-rated disabilities. Leah Bucholz, a US Army Veteran, Physician Assistant, & former Compensation & Pension Examiner shares her knowledge related to Independent Medical Opinions often referred to as “Nexus Letters” in support of your pursuit of VA Disability every Tuesday & Wednesday at 7AM Central.

Take control of your medical evidence related to your benefits and visit for more information and to connect directly with us!