Humans of Agriculture

Hey! We're back and this week we thought given it's the first of May, we'd do a quick check in with what's happening at Humans of Ag.

We've been out filming with goFARM, NSW DPI, Dairy Australia, and the team at BlackBox. 

Our Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC) in conversation series are alive and well on their channels. We've had the chance to sit on the banks of the Namoi river with Greg Rummery in Walgett, on Tom Coggan's deck overlooking a creek and in a few paddocks with Anna and Steve Madden.

We're on the road to Beef Australia, Elders FarmFest and more

Welcome to our newest Partner - Rabobank, we're really excited to have them on a sponsor of the Humans of Agriculture podcast and keep your eyes peeled for a few ads from their Rabobank Research team.

What is Humans of Agriculture?

We're going behind the scenes to see and understand modern agriculture, because no matter whether you're in it or not, you probably don't know all the pieces to just how incredible, diverse and multi-layered agriculture is. We do this by uncovering the real stories, experiences and voices of modern agriculture.