Digication Scholars Conversations

Karen Gonzalez, ePortfolio Assistant at the CUNY School of Professional Studies, shares her inspiring journey as not only an assistant but also a mentor, cheerleader, guide, and, oftentimes, friend. In her eyes, “it doesn't matter where you are [physically located], it's really about engagement.” Encouraging primarily non-traditional, e-learning students to reflect on their learning, consider key takeaways, and pick apart the essential connections from course-to-course is her objective. “It doesn't matter how long it takes, I think it's really about finding those points of connection for them. An e-portfolio helps them do that and I think that experience is what creates a sense of belonging.”

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Episode Notes:

Richard Short's ePortfolio: https://cunyonline.digication.com/rick-short-cm499-capstone-project

Rokshana Ali's ePortfolio: https://cunyonline.digication.com/rokshana-ali2

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