Meditation Without Borders – Being the Change Podcast

If you had to pick a word to describe how you want to experience this new year, what would it be? 

2022 seems to have us all cautiously optimistic. While we’re all still licking our wounds from the last two years, we also seem to be eager to make the most of what’s to come, hence New Year’s resolutions.

However, instead of making resolutions which tend to be based on external goals with a high likelihood of not coming to pass, in this episode, Isabel and Kristen discuss alternative practices that center on how you’re experiencing over what you’re experiencing this year. While discussing their own hopes for what the coming months will bring, they come up what they call New Year’s orientations, ways of orienting your mind to create a trajectory of positive growth this year. Whether it's picking a theme word for the year or a color, you'll hopefully come away from this episode with a bit more clarity and purpose.

By the way, our words were decisive, surrender, love and enjoy. We couldn’t pick just one.

Show Notes

If you had to pick a word to describe how you want to experience this new year, what would it be? 

2022 seems to have us all cautiously optimistic. While we’re all still licking our wounds from the last two years, we also seem to be eager to make the most of what’s to come, hence New Year’s resolutions. 

However, instead of making resolutions which tend to be based on external goals with a high likelihood of not coming to pass, in this episode, Isabel and Kristen discuss alternative practices that center on how you’re experiencing over what you’re experiencing this year. While discussing their own hopes for what the coming months will bring, they come up what they call New Year’s orientations, ways of orienting your mind to create a trajectory of positive growth this year. Whether it's picking a theme word for the year or a color, you'll hopefully come away from this episode with a bit more clarity and purpose. 

By the way, our words were decisive, surrender, love and enjoy. We couldn’t pick just one. 

1.40 New Year makes us look at both directions, looking behind and ahead of you. 
4.00 Transitions are signs of tremendous growth. 
5.30 Specific and outward oriented New Year´s Resolutions
6.25 Not setting goals but instead goals of HOW you want to experience this year
7.27 “The motivation behind most of the outward resolutions are actually inward.” Kristen
8.30 What are the real motivations behind our resolutions?
10.00 “If we really think to ourselves, how is it that I want to feel? What is it that I want to experience? How do I want to experience this year? Then it reorients the priorities.” Kristen  
11.00 What does everyone really want? The effects of shifting our consciousness state 
12.26 What does happiness look life for you, and does it look like anything?
 “Usually the picture (of happiness) involves some misplaced identity.” Kristen
13.30 Small self-oriented resolutions. 
15.00 Irony of having things fall into place when we no longer care about having them
16.50 Coming up with a word as a theme for the year
19.43 “When you´ve gone through something really hard and really heavy it breaks you open, and it created that surrender.”  Kristen
21.00 Being decisive 
23.00 Our word or color as an orientation device 
27.00 Picking out specific new year´s resolutions doesn´t allow ourselves to see how we might grow and see what might be relevant when we keep growing.
33.00 “When we change of our own fruition, we don´t need that push from nature so much.” Kristen
33.30 Changes coming by themselves when we meditate
34.15 “With meditation we become so used to change that not only are we okay with when change happens to us, but we actually become the agents of change.” Kristen

What is Meditation Without Borders – Being the Change Podcast?

What does it take to really create change–the kind that helps us work together as human beings for one another and for the planet? We believe the change we all wish to see in the world first needs to happen within. In this podcast, Kristen Vandivier and Isabel Keoseyan ­– co-founders of Meditation Without Borders – and their guests share laughs, stories and insights into the movement of meditation for social change.

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