The Devon Kershaw Show by FasterSkier

We're grinding on with our third episode in four days. Hope you're still listening. If you don't get the hat reference, read our coverage.

We'll be back with another episode after the last race in Canmore. To keep you from podcast withdrawal later in the week, we'll roll out some interviews we did with a couple of international athletes here. Then we'll be back again from Minneapolis this weekend.

Speaking of Minneapolis, if you'll be there in person, we're hosting a live show where we'll be taping Sunday's episode in front of an audience — though we'll need all 12 listeners to show up for it to really be an actual audience. More details soon — the event is at Utepils Brewery near the venue, with an exact time to be determined, but it will be after the last race of the day.

Questions? Comments? Email us: and Thanks so much for listening.

What is The Devon Kershaw Show by FasterSkier?

As a former World Champion and veteran World Cup cross-country ski racer, Kershaw provides an unfiltered look at elite level cross-country ski racing. Tune in after every World Cup weekend.