The Impact Code

Dr. Mary Boland served as Dean and Professor of the Nancy Atmospera-Walch School of Nursing (NAWSON), University of Hawai‘i in Honolulu from 2005 to 2021 leading the school to become a lever for local and global social change. Previously, she served as Associate Dean and the François Xavier-Bagnoud Professor of Community Pediatrics at the School of Nursing, University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey (now Rutgers College of Nursing).

Dr. Boland is respected highly across Hawai‘i and has provided a voice for Hawai‘i on a national level while committed locally to mentor emerging leaders in our community. Through her advocacy with the state legislature, she assisted the Hawai‘i State Center for Nursing activities that brought about legislative change including the state continuing competency program for nurses, full-scope-of-practice authority for advanced practice registered nurses (APRN/NP), and a statewide income tax credit for clinician volunteers (preceptors) that educate primary care nursing, medicine, and pharmacy students.

The Hawai‘i Keiki: Healthy and Ready to Learn program (HK), a partnership between NAWSON and the Hawai‘i State Department of Education (DOE) was founded by her in 2014. The program was born out of the DOE goal to improve academic success for keiki (children) in the public schools by addressing unmet health needs in the school setting. The program is recognized within the state and nationally as an innovative nurse designed practice model addressing the impacts of social determinants of health on educational success. She is a recipient of the 2020 School-Based Health Champion Award from the School-Based Health Alliance for improving access to health care through the Hawai‘i Keiki program partnership with the Department of Education.

In February 2022, Dr. Boland was appointed Dean Emerita by the University of Hawaii in recognition of her dedicated and honorable service to the university. Presently, Dr. Boland is serving as the Director of Strategic Partnerships at University Health Partners where she supports the academic and practice initiatives of the Nancy Atmospera-Walch School of Nursing.

Mary is a member of the Board of Trustees of The Queens Health Care System, Hawaii’s preeminent system of healthcare-related companies. She is a member of the Hawai‘i Compassion & Choices Healthcare Advisory Council advocating for legal and legislative strategies to expand end-of-life choices.

Dr. Boland is a fellow of the American Academy of Nursing and a member of SIGMA (Sigma Theta Tau International), the nursing honor society. She received a doctoral degree in public health from the Mailman School at Columbia University, a master’s degree in nursing from

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What is The Impact Code ?

Finding ways to make your impact is tough. Brett Hollenbeck interviews a wide span of people to learn how they make their impact and the journey they took to find it. Spanning national best-selling authors to local community members who are taking on big projects making a difference, Brett covers similar topics in interview form. Each episode contains powerful information to help you grow personally and professionally, and find your path to make your impact!