Uncommon Sense with Ginny Robinson

On this episode, we will be discussing Taylor Swift winning Time magazine’s “Person of the Year” award, and why this is completely atrocious. I can think of about 8 billion people who would be a better fit for the “Person of the Year” award than Taylor Swift (namely, the brave women of Iran who have actively been rejecting and resisting tyranny and oppression from their Islamic dictatorship). But, of course, Taylor Swift, The Master Manipulator (and actual witch) that she is, always gets what she doesn’t deserve. How is no one talking about how her young fans died at her concert, and how she didn’t care at all? How is no one talking about how she used their tragic deaths to give herself more good PR? How is no one talking about the fact that Brazil adorned their Jesus statue in Taylor Swift merchandise, making it look like they were literally turning Taylor Swift into their messiah? Why wouldn’t Taylor Swift, as the “Christian” that she claims to be, tell them not to do that, considering it’s obviously blasphemous? Swifties have a majorrrrrrrr problem and that problem is called “idolization.” Just know that God doesn’t take that lightly. And I think Taylor Swift is an actual psychopath. I don’t look up to people who hurt others to get ahead. I especially don’t look up to New Age belief simps.


What is Uncommon Sense with Ginny Robinson?

Entertaining and in-depth, Uncommon Sense with Ginny Robinson tackles the latest in news, culture, religion and politics from a Christian, independent point of view. Ginny‘s keen eye allows her to cut through the chaos to the things that really matter, and her ability to find the humor in anything provides a fresh new way to stay up to date.