Bud & Herb's fun bags of fan mail #2 Dear B&H, WOW! Releaved to find out Big Stank Feet didn’t stank ya to def! But soundz like it got that little Theo guy instead. He’s a gross kid though right? Hopefully he already stanks and is unaffected by the Walker stanky stank. I know I woulda been as uh kid. Uncle Grundle once chunked me into tha river and I learned how ta swim and bathe in the same day! Eneewayz, I wonder who tha scoundrel is that’s in cahoots with CinderStank. My gold is on Dougie - NEVER TRUST BROTHERS. My brother Boggsie once miremucked me into poisonin half the clutch. Fortunately, only a handful was kilt, but the Clutch Mother was NOT pleazed. Ennewayz eneewayz, if Theo survives maybe chunk him in tha river for a nice bath. Love you! Laterz, Nigel “Most #1” Festergutt