Intelligent Medicine

Intelligent Medicine Trailer Bonus Episode 361 Season 1

Leyla Weighs In: The Surprising Benefits of Good Cholesterol for Brain Health

Leyla Weighs In: The Surprising Benefits of Good Cholesterol for Brain HealthLeyla Weighs In: The Surprising Benefits of Good Cholesterol for Brain Health

The cholesterol conundrum: Nutritionist Leyla Muedin discusses recent research suggesting that HDL, or 'good' cholesterol, may protect against brain atrophy and dementia. The study from UT Southwestern Medical Center, published in the Journal of Clinical Medicine, found that higher concentrations of small particle HDL are linked to better cognitive function and greater gray matter volume. Leyla emphasizes the importance of understanding cholesterol's role beyond just heart health and challenges common misconceptions. She also highlights the benefits of dietary fats and criticizes outdated medical advice that promotes low-fat diets. This episode encourages a more nuanced view of cholesterol and its significant impact on overall health.

Creators & Guests

Leyla Muedin, MS, RD, CDN
Leyla has been a practicing nutritionist since 2003, when she started under the tutelage of the famed Dr. Robert Atkins at the Atkins Center for Complementary Medicine. Since 2005, she has worked alongside Dr. Hoffman at the Hoffman Center and then in private practice.

What is Intelligent Medicine?

Pioneering complementary medicine practitioner Dr. Ronald Hoffman takes a cutting-edge approach to health, wellness, and aging. He covers both conventional and alternative modalities, as well as nutrition, exercise, and supplements.