Agency Journey

"Trust is only built through time. It's very hard to build trust through any other mode than time. And that's what's great about having a podcast."

Hector Santiesteban is the founder of Amplafy Media, a podcast production company helping businesses leverage podcasting to drive revenue. 

In this episode of Agency Journey, Hector shares insights on using podcasts strategically to grow your business and generate leads. 

He emphasizes the importance of focusing on benefits over features, creating a great guest experience, and using different podcast formats to build trust and drive sales.

This episode will be a great listen for agency owners looking to leverage podcasting for growth; podcast hosts seeking to monetize their shows more effectively; as well as business leaders wanting to establish thought leadership in their niche.

Episode Insights:
💡 Focus on selling the benefits of your services, not just the features. Understand what outcomes your clients are looking for.
💡 Use podcasts to get meetings with prospects more easily than cold outreach. Conversion rates for podcast guest invites can be up to 70%.
💡 Have conversations on equal terms with guests rather than just putting them on a pedestal and interviewing them—this allows you to maintain your positioning as an expert and your "sales equity" in the eyes of the audience.
💡 Create a great guest experience to encourage sharing the episode after it’s published. Provide easy-to-use promotional materials on a dedicated page.
💡 Consider using a mix of solo episodes, co-hosted shows, and guest interviews to build trust and showcase expertise.
💡 Niche down your podcast topic to quickly become a recognized expert in an industry.
💡 Use AI tools like ChatGPT to help repurpose podcast content into SEO-optimized blog posts.

Resources Mentioned:
🌐 Hector's LinkedIn:
🌐 Hector's Instagram:
🌐 Amplafy Media website: 
💰 Book a Podcast Profitability Session with Hector’s team: 


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👉 Don’t forget to follow and rate us on your preferred podcast platforms. We’re also on YouTube: @ZenPilot

What is Agency Journey?

How do world-class agencies continue to grow profitably and hit their goals, even through the choppy waters and challenges of agency life?

How do leaders like Tiffany Sauder, Marcus Sheridan, Jay Acunzo, Shama Hyder, David C. Baker, Nikole Rose, and Zeb Evans think?

Join Agency Journey host Jakub Grajcar as he interviews agency operators and leaders to share insights, actionable tips, and hilarious stories from the builders who live in the agency trenches.

Each episode focuses on crucial aspects of growing an agency like building the right team, delegation, project management, client success and retention, and operating frameworks like EOS.

Brought to you by ZenPilot: we help lead your agency through the final project management implementation you’ll ever need. Book a call to learn more at

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