The Jill Cruz Podcast

Here’s the thing no one tells you about belly fat:
How many carbs you eat or how much cardio you do are much less pivotal than this factor.
Today, we’re talking about one major thing that makes the weight loss journey waaaaaay harder: your stress levels.
Our bodies weren’t made to handle long-term stress. It’s imperative to work with your nature to create lasting change.

Show Notes

🧠 Belly fat is not what you eat, how you exercise, or your hormones, all of those things are downstream effects of your nervous system state. 01:00
💯 Sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems affect adrenaline and creativity. 03:00
🌷 The more you can be in a state of ease and flow, the easier it's going to be to stay healthy. 05:00
🏃 Our nervous system responds well to a burst of stress: chronic stress affects decision-making and health practices. 05:44
💆 Prolonged stress can cause adrenaline resistance and other health problems: a calm brain helps cultivate good decisions and creativity. 11:57
🏋 Habits and practice can ensure good results when stressed. 14:55
💡 Awareness and acceptance are necessary for inspired action: "I have to lose weight" is adrenaline-inspired. 17:03
🌅 Taking inspired action from a place of ease and flow makes your brain work better and helps you make better decisions. 19:48

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What is The Jill Cruz Podcast?

If you are a woman in leadership and/or aspiring for greater leadership and you are looking to have it all; success in your career, personal life, and health, you're going to love this podcast season.

I am incredibly passionate about this topic because I believe that as women leaders we can have it all! We don't have to settle for being successful in just one area of life such as our careers. We can orchestrate a life that is fulfilling, pleasurable, and healthy in all areas. We are all a "work-in-progress" but it's important to BELIEVE we can have it all or we surely won't get that.

We will be speaking about what it takes to be a successful leader AND have a thriving personal life. Topics include passion, purpose, grit, compassion, self-awareness, thought leadership, self-care, wellness, visionary thinking, and strategic leadership.
*Health Is Freedom, LLC is providing this podcast as a public service. Reference to any specific product, treatment, health advice, or entity does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation by Health is Freedom, LLC. The views expressed by guests are their own and their appearance on the program does not imply an endorsement of them, their opinions, or any entity they represent.