First Baptist Arlington Sermons

Dennis R Wiles 
FBC Arlington 
September 17, 2023 

2023 - Why Does It Matter? 
FALL 2023 - The Church: Why Does It Matter? 
September 3 – November 4, 2023 
First Baptist Arlington: We are Changing! 
Acts 2:42-47 
FALL 2023:  THE CHURCH: Why Does It Matter? 
The Church is a purposeful community of gathered believers following The Jesus Way together.  
Psalm 1 Tree – Purpose, Transformation, Influence 
Becoming fruitful believers, influencing our world for Christ. 
ENRICHMENT: Becoming fruitful believers 
DEVOTION: The early church was “all in” – these believers were steadfastly devoted to this new life in Christ. So are we! 
SPIRITUAL FORMATION: The early believers were devoted to the authoritative teaching of the Apostles. So are we! 
As He moves about He leaves behind him a trail of transformed scenes and changed situations—fishermen no longer at their nets, sick people restored to health, critics confounded, a storm stilled, hunger assuaged, a dead girl raised to life. Jesus’ presence is an active and instantly transforming presence: He is never the mere observe of the scene or the one who waits upon events but always the transformer of the scene and the initiator of events. 
-V. H. Vanstone, The Stature of Waiting 

As followers of Jesus, we are being formed, conformed, and transformed along The Jesus Way!

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