Behind The Line

Join trauma therapist and host, Lindsay Faas, and guest, Michael Mariano, Neurotherapist extraordinaire! We are talking all about the exciting field of Neurotherapy and how it can help First Responders and Front Line Workers to build healthier brains.

Show Notes

Show Notes:

Today I am so excited to be joined by Michael Mariano, neurotherapy expert, and we are diving into the benefits of neurotherapy including neurofeedback, biofeedback and related tools. I am so grateful for this conversation including Michael’s show and tell with some of his equipment so you can get an idea of what it all looks like. You can listen to this episode, or watch and see the show and tell time on YouTube! Check out the links in the “Additional Resources” section below for more info on neurotherapy, and for Michael’s information if you would like to follow up with him.

Episode Challenge:

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Complete the Behind the Line Listener Feedback Survey, here.

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Additional Resources:

Neurotherapy Related Resources: 

·        Biofeedback Certification International Alliance
·        International Society for Neuroregulation & Research
·        The Association for Applied Psychophysiology & Biofeedback Inc

Michael Mariano Contact Info (Office in New Westminster, BC): 

Enter to win a $50 Amazon Gift Card by taking 5 minutes to complete our Behind the Line listener feedback survey, here.

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What is Behind The Line?

Created for First Responders and Front Line Workers to tackle the challenges of working on the front lines. Dig into topics on burnout, workplace dynamics, managing mental health, balancing family life...and so much more. Created and hosted by Lindsay Faas, clinical counsellor and trauma therapist. View the show notes, and access bonus resources at