Start With A Win

What would it be like to unearth yourself from mountains of emails, meetings, paperwork, and the other tasks that keep you from doing your best work? What if you could find moments in your day just to THINK? Juliet Funt joins Start With A Win to explore the idea of reclaiming time for thinking and making room for what truly matters.

Show Notes

In this episode of Start With A Win, Adam talks to Juliet Funt, the founder and CEO of The Juliet Funt Group, an efficiency training firm. Juliet and her firm are on a mission to “de-crapify” work, helping business leaders and organizations unleash their full potential by unburdening talent from busywork. She is a renowned keynote speaker and tough-love advisor. Juliet is the author of A Minute to Think: Reclaim Creativity, Conquer Busyness, and Do Your Best Work

Between meetings, emails, reports, and decks, there are so many low-value tasks that sit on top of the talented people in organizations today. It keeps our teams from being able to do their best work. And COVID has only made the problem worse with more Zoom meetings, over communication, and extra emails. 

Juliet shares her analogy of building a fire and how creating space between the materials is essential to allow oxygenation to happen. In the same way, people need to have space to not only recuperate, but to step back and think and let ideas build. Team members and leaders can be more creative and engaged when they’re allowed a strategic pause to think purposely about the next chapter of a project or the business. 

Juliet believes that leadership is often over-focused on the logistical questions of “where” (where people sit, where should people work, where we sell) when they should be focused on “how” (how do we want to communicate, how do we want people to work). These questions pave the way for a redesign opportunity in how organizations operate.

Juliet also shares about what she calls The Wedge, which is a wedge of time inserted between two activities in your day—between a meeting and a meeting, an emotionally challenging email and your response response. By taking a few micro-moments to process what just happened rather than just jumping to the next thing, our brain can actually better retain information and think more critically. And even if it’s only for a few minutes, that “white space” should be completely open time, think about anything we want in those times, which also gives our brain time for ideation and creativity.

Episode Links:

A Minute to Think: Reclaim Creativity, Conquer Busyness, and Do Your Best Work



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What is Start With A Win?

Every day you have a choice. You can wake up and choose to give in to mediocrity and complacency, you can choose bad habits and poor choices, and you can do the bare minimum to get by and fly under the radar. Or you can choose to make today the day that sets you apart from the crowd, you can choose to start doing the right things, the things that will set you up for success. You can choose to create a life that is worth living, worth waking up to, and worth sharing with the world around you. Today You can choose to start with a win.