From the Hip with Adrianne Gunn

From the Hip with Adrianne Gunn Trailer Bonus Episode 21 Season 1

FTH Ep. 21 - For the Boys w/ Janet Allison


In this episode I sit and chat with author, educator, and founder of Boys Alive! and On Boys podcast Janet Allison. We get to talking about the ways that boys are different and how we can better understand, parent, and teach boys so that we can all thrive together.

Show Notes

In this episode I sit and chat with author, educator, and founder of Boys Alive! and On Boys podcast Janet Allison. We get to talking about the ways that boys are different and how we can better understand, parent, and teach boys so that we can all thrive together.

Janet’s website:

Topics covered: Boy world, Man box, how the rules are different for boys, patriarchy, trauma, PTSD, circumcision, emotions, dynamics in schools, evolutionary differences between genders, free range kids, masculinity, sex education, porn, anger, connection, developmental differences between boys and girls, physical activiy, lack of physical touch and connection for boys and men, the problems with only having females teaching and disciplining boys until grade 5, how to effectively connect with and talk with boys about important topics.

Books Mentioned:
Amy Lang, MA - Birds + Bees + Your Kids
Peggy Orenstein - Boys & Sex - Young Men on Hookups, Love, Porn, Consent, and Navigating the New Masculinity

More about Adrianne Gunn -

What is From the Hip with Adrianne Gunn?

People are fascinating, especially up close, and more especially when you get them talking about the things they love. From the Hip: Conversations in the service of Passion, Purpose, and Play - earnestly and authentically explores the tales, trials, and triumphs of entrepreneurs, artists, and creatives