Of Poetry Podcast

Purchase: Wiregrass and Other Poems by Moira J. Saucer and Endeavors to Obtain Perpetual Motion by Catherine Rockwood

Moira J Saucer is a disabled poet living in the Alabama Wiregrass. She holds an MFA in Creative Writing from the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville. Her worked has appeared in literary magazines and anthologies in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Canada including Black Bough Poetry Freedom- Rapture anthology, Visual Verse, Fly on the Wall Press, Ice Floe Press, Mooky Chick, Floodlight Editions, and Fevers of the Mind Poets of 2020.

Catherine Rockwood is a staff member of Reckoning Magazine and a reviewer for Strange Horizons. She has a Ph.D. in Renaissance Studies, and many remaining questions about everything.

What is Of Poetry Podcast?

Kitchen table conversations with poets, hosted by Han VanderHart.