Under Cover

What will the new normal look like after the corona-virus? What does normal look like for us, right now? This episode we’ll be arming you with stories to quell your queries about life might look like after lockdown.

We’ll talk about how you’re faring - missing friends or fearing a return to your outside life? we’ll cover stories from a few of our closest international neighbours, and we’ll give you an update on the environment as well as the manufacturing industry.

Presenter: Eva Marchingo
Producer: Alexandra Middleton
Assistant Producer: Leyla Arrykova

Show Notes

Episode 1 | Stronger Bonds                         Karly Smith

No one could have predicted what this year would hold for us all, but it seems the corona-virus pandemic has caused family and friends to become more important than ever before. Karly Smith dissects the reality of relationships coming out of isolation.

Episode 2 | Where to?                              Siri Smith

With the COVID-19 pandemic putting a halt on overseas travel, what lies in the distant future of those whose livelihoods depend on travel, and how has it affected people whose travels have been suddenly disrupted? Siri Smith examines the mental and sociological effects of a global pandemic on the travel industry. 

Episode 3 | Indonesia Now                         Sayee Ravi Sankar 

With COVID-19 affecting countries across the globe, Sayee Ravi Sankar looks at how Indonesia is handling the pandemic. She explores the current situation and examines what Indonesia has to do moving forward.

Episode 4 | Australia/Singapore Lockdown                 David Forster

David Forster compares the corona-virus pandemic to the SARS epidemic. He speaks with John McGrath about his experiences living through both SARs in Singapore and COVID-19 here in Australia. 

Episode 5 | Take A Breath                            Laura Green

Corona-virus has forced people to adapt in all areas of life. Laura Green explores how a Gellong engineer adapted his manufacturing business to supply respirators to hospitals to cope with the demand COVID-19 has created.                 

Episode 6 | Reverse Culture Shock                     Meg De Jong

Are people anxious about life returning to normal after lockdown? Meg de Jong explores the concept of ‘reverse culture shock’ that many Australians are experiencing as restrictions begin to ease, and how it may impact on people’s mental health and relationships. 

Episode 7 | Environmental Impacts                    Gabriella Payne

Could COVID-19 have a positive impact on climate change? Gabi Payne talks with Sarah Bekessy, Professor of Sustainability and Urban Planning at RMIT, about animals returning to the urban landscape during lockdown, how the pandemic has led to a reduction in carbon emissions around the world and what this could mean in regards to climate change.

What is Under Cover?

Under Cover is not just a podcast. It's a phone call, a voice message left for those who are lonely, confused or just need someone to talk to them at this time of isolation. It's a warm and friendly midnight radio for the world. It is a good friend who is informative, trustworthy and is there for you - with stories, songs and sounds to make you feel connected. With yourself, with your friends, with your world.