Studio Time

My guest on this episode is Carly Valancy, actor and founder of the connection company Valence and Co.

Show Notes

As she says on her website, in July of 2019, with one Audible credit, Carly listened to [the book] Reach Out by Molly Beck. After finishing it in two days, she challenged herself to do exactly what Molly did and Reach Out every weekday for one whole year.

I created Studio Time for Carly and artists like her. Her story hits all the points in the introduction I repeat in every episode. By taking a series of very small steps she is creating a big impact for herself and others.

She has taken an unconventional approach to building her network and furthering her career, which has created new opportunities for her as an actor, and has blossomed into a business that supports her while she is building a better world for her fellow creatives.

As of the time of recording, the next session of Carly Valancy’s Reach Out Party begins May 17, 2020. For details about this and future sessions you can go to To represent the global nature of the Reach Out community, there will be two sessions daily to cater to whatever timezone you’re in.

Find and follow Carly online:
website | instagram

Links and show notes from this episode:

Visit the show notes and read the episode transcript here.

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Thanks for listening!

What is Studio Time?

A podcast about the big and small ways artists can change the world. Discover the unconventional approaches that artists have developed to create unique results in their lives and careers. Learn how you can apply these ideas to transform your own work.