Remote Pep Talks with Ryan Millar

"Season finale" suggests a big cliffhanging finish, but in this short episode Ryan brings the first season of the podcast gently to a close. He heads out on a rowboat to explore the importance of relaxation and not stressing, say while at work or in a job interview. But he also discusses the value in unplugging completely.

Show Notes

This is it, your chance to enjoy a relaxing rowboat ride while being reminded of the importance in doing things like... taking a relaxing rowboat ride with a friend, or otherwise just unplugging and taking a break.

Ryan also discusses his book TAKE IT EASY, and the value in approaching your work with a sense of calm readiness. 

What is Remote Pep Talks with Ryan Millar?

Host Ryan Millar takes input from an audience member and gives some heartfelt and hopefully helpful advice and a bit of a pep talk. From a rowboat on a lake to a busy Roman street, each episode takes place somewhere different.