Mike Riddle, Creation Training Initiative (CTI)

Our topic for today is a semi-technical topic – Carbon 14 Dating. Scientists use a technique called Radiometric Dating to estimate the age of rocks and fossils. In this episode Mike is going to focus on one form of Radiometric Dating called Carbon 14. Sometimes it referred to as Radio Carbon or C14. Carbon 14 is not used to date rocks as millions of years old but is generally used date once living things or Organic matter.
For today’s program Mike is breaking the show into 3 parts – “What is carbon 14?”, “Where does it come from?” and “How can it be used to determine age?”.

Show Notes

Our topic for today is a semi-technical topic – Carbon 14 Dating. Scientists use a technique called Radiometric Dating to estimate the age of rocks and fossils. In this episode Mike is going to focus on one form of Radiometric Dating called Carbon 14. Sometimes it referred to as Radio Carbon or C14. Carbon 14 …

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Creators & Guests

Mike Riddle
International speaker and teacher on biblical creation, apologetics, and Christian education.

What is Mike Riddle, Creation Training Initiative (CTI)?

The mission of Creation Training Initiative is to equip Christians worldwide to be effective teachers and speakers on the subject of biblical creation. So that the next generation can be trained to stand firm on biblical truth and defend their faith. In order to achieve this mission, CTI will provide basic level to in-depth, extensive training courses for Christian teachers and parents to effectively equip adults and youth to defend their Christian faith, and Biblical truth.