Brains, Black Holes, and Beyond

Sleep is an integral, yet often overlooked, part of a Princeton students daily schedule. But, what does our brain actually do when it’s asleep?

This is a focus of Princeton Computational Memory Lab. Dr. Elizabeth McDevitt, a postdoctoral researcher in the lab, likes to picture sleep as the replaying of a playlist of memories and experiences that your brain builds throughout the day when you’re awake. 

Brains, Black Holes, and Beyond sat down with McDevitt and Dr. Ken Norman, chair of the psychology department. Listen in to hear more about their insights on the role of sleep and how it relates to how we learn, remember, and apply the things we experience and see everyday.

What is Brains, Black Holes, and Beyond?

Brains, Black Holes, and Beyond (B Cubed) is a collaborative project between The Daily Princetonian and Princeton Insights. The show releases 3 episodes monthly: one longer episode as part of the Insights partnership, and two shorter episodes independently created by the 'Prince.' This show is produced by Senna Aldoubosh '25 under the 147th Board of the 'Prince.' Insights producers are Crystal Lee, Addie Minerva, and Thiago Tarraf Varella. This show is a reimagined version of the show formerly produced as Princeton Insights: The Highlights under the 145th Board of the 'Prince.'

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