Kevin Lane's Spill Your Guts
Episode 8
Season 4
S4E8 Christmas Special ("Silent Night, Deadly Night" "Silent Night, Deadly Night 2)
Santa’s watching, Santa’s Waiting
Christmas Eve is slowly fading
Can you hear him in the night?
Close the door, turn off the light
Welcome to the Spill your guts Christmas Special!
In this episode we are taking the deepest of dives into two iconic Christmas horror classics, "Silent Night, Deadly Night" 1 & 2.
Joining me in this episode as my co-host is the esteemed Mr. Justin Beahm, as we explore the making-of and the legacy of these two holiday horror mainstays. I also sat down for in-depth one on one discussions with the stars of the two films, Robert Brain Wilson ("Billy") of "Silent Night, Deadly Night" and Eric Freeman ("Ricky") who starred in its sequel.
This is a particularly lengthy episode as we wanted to dig deep into why these two films have had such staying power and resonance since the first film was made 40 years go.
Also, we will be taking a bit of a hiatus for the month of January to put the gears in motion for the remaining episodes of season 4 but I promise you, it will be worth the wait!
I wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas but sure hope you haven’t been naughty.
Now, sit back by the Christmas tree with a cup of cocoa and keep your axe handy as we look back at "Silent Night Deadly Night" 1 and 2!
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