Market Narratives

The world is experiencing the results of an underinvestment in traditional oil/gas energy infrastructure which was compounded by Covid- 19, when some companies believed that peak oil demand had arrived pulling back even more on investment, then came the Russian invasion of Ukraine, and the disruption is overlaid with the longer-term focus on energy transition. David Winans, principal and credit analyst for PGIM Fixed Income’s US investment grade credit research team and Julia Newbould, managing editor, Conexus Financial look at both sides of the demand and supply puzzle.

What is Market Narratives?

Market Narratives is a podcast series hosted by Investment Magazine that features unorthodox conversations with thought leaders influencing the world of fiduciary investors.

Investment Magazine is the leading publication for Australia's $3 trillion superannuation industry. It provides trusted news, analysis and editorial on the issues impacting superannuation funds, such as regulation, asset allocation, portfolio construction, governance, as they strive to secure better retirement outcomes for their members.