The Weekly VineDown with Emily Smith

This week, webinar host Emily Smith was joined by a few friends to chat about what's happening with race conscious admissions. The panel talked about what the end of race-conscious means for colleges, and how institutions can use CollegeVine to continue building a diverse class. 

Specifically, the group honed in on a new free tool that colleges can use on the platform: the Student Environment Explorer. This tool allows colleges to explore the academic and ethnic makeup of different areas in the US as a means of narrowing focus on areas with diverse populations of students.

Colleges can explore the tool for free at

What is The Weekly VineDown with Emily Smith?

Join Emily Smith on The Weekly VineDown, a weekly video podcast dedicated to professionals in the higher education sector. In this series, Emily engages in candid discussions with leaders and influencers in higher ed, delving into the latest trends, challenges, and innovations shaping the academic landscape. She also occasionally offers insights and strategies for professional development, making it an essential listen for anyone working in higher education. Tune in to stay informed, inspired, and human!