Second Breaks

“One of the ways I started working on self-loyalty is by looking at myself in the mirror, really asking ‘How are you doing today?’ and pausing to hear the answer. And inevitably, when I do this, I get tears in my eyes.” — Nancy Jane Smith

Show Notes

  • What does it look like and how does it feel when we have our own back
  • The three internal voices that we have
  • Why the third voice – our biggest fan – is the one we really want to strengthen
  • The role that self-loyalty plays when dealing with our inner critic
  • Why Nancy avoids thinking “I deserve this” and how this thought-process may lead to false self-loyalty

Nancy Jane Smith is a Licensed Professional Counselor and Coach specializing in High Functioning Anxiety and has spent 20+ years working as a counselor/coach. Nancy first joined me on this podcast back in 2018 when we talked about her book, The Happier Approach: Be Kind to Yourself, Feel Happier and Still Accomplish Your Goals, and specifically the three voices that we have in our heads: the Monger, the BFF, and the Biggest Fan.

I invited Nancy to join me again so we can have a follow-up conversation about these internal voices/characters, and to talk about self-loyalty. We explored how true self-loyalty sounds and looks like in practice and how we can strengthen it.

For all the links and show notes, head on over to

What is Second Breaks?

Conversations about midlife, life and career transitions, and all the fabulous ways we can get better as we get older. Hosted by Lou Blaser.

About The Host: Lou Blaser is a former corporate ladder climber turned writer and podcaster. She writes the weekly publication "We're All Getting Older" and is the author of Break Free: The Courage to Reinvent Yourself and Your Career.