Ready, Row! USA

Recent disruptions in the supply chain, the outlook for pricing, US-based and offshore sourcing, and how the pandemic has affected their operations, and how that might trickle down to the rower-in-the-boat (or on the erg. Guests from Resolute/Sykes boat makers and apparel maker JLRacing.

Show Notes

hank you for tuning in to ROWAPALOOZA, the 3rd year/100th episode celebration of the Ready, Row! USA livestream and podcast! As always, the latest show notes and links, including giveaways and discounts from our guests, can be found on our website. 

It's been quite a couple of years for all companies, and the rowing industry is no exception!

Ali Abrams of the go-to rowing apparel maker JLRacing and Fabio Selvig of Resolute Racing Shells and Sykes USA discuss recent disruptions in the supply chain, the outlook for pricing, US-based and offshore sourcing, and how the pandemic has affected their operations from Bristol, Rhode Island (Resolute), to Australia (Sykes), to El Salvador (JL).
Be sure to subscribe on YouTube, LinkedIn, Facebook to get notice of when we go live or sign up on your favorite audio podcast app. The handy-dandy links are all on our website.
Ali and Fabio take a frank look at the near- and long-term outlook for makers of rowing shells, equipment, clothing, and accessories. They also examine how the current environment in manufacturing trickles down to individual rowers in terms of availability, price, and quality.

What is Ready, Row! USA?

At Ready, Row! USA, we believe that rowing changes lives. We are on a mission to connect and collaborate with the rowing community – from boathouses, to masters, beginners, legends, vendors – and you! You are welcome to join us on a livestream, or jump in on the conversation thread on any of our episodes - they're "evergreen!"