In this episode (033), I speak to Recording Artiste, Author and Entrepreneur, Stephanie Hava, about her experience with Divorce. We explore her initial vision for marriage, what may have changed to lead to divorce, the process of divorce and life after divorce. It’s a heart to heart with many gems you won’t want to miss out on. Take a listen as we Taaaaaalk Truuuuuuuuth!
Medical Doctor, TV Host and Reggae-Soul Singer/Songwriter, Mario Evon, takes you on a uniquely Jamaican journey through a non-conservative, honest space created to allow his truth, and the truth of others to set them free to grow, laugh, learn and prosper.
From relationships, inspiration, sex and sexuality, to the ins and outs of entrepreneurship; In this space, we speak candidly about almost anything, with the intention to inspire, educate and entertain (‘Inspir-Edu-Tainment’), and create a fair and balanced space where your truth shall become your power. This is TALK TRUTH.