Textually Active Podcast

Could you share your partner? What if both of you agree to be polyamorous? This week we talk about monogamy vs. polygamy. What would it take for you to be in a polygamous relationship? Is it even something you would consider? What is the correlation between love and monogamy? Have you ever heard of a 3-1-0?

WMEZ's Baby Maker of the week- “S Class”- JNYR:





Remember to send your listener letters to textuallyactivepod@gmail.com

Show Notes

Could you share your partner? What if both of you agree to be polyamorous? This week we talk about monogamy vs. polygamy. What would it take for you to be in a polygamous relationship? Is it even something you would consider? What is the correlation between love and monogamy? Have you ever heard of a 3-1-0? WMEZ's Baby Maker of the week- “S Class”- JNYR: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/s-class/1422830075?i=1422830117 IG @Textuallyactivepod @_Rezz @Simiashley @Meezyblvd Twitter @textuallyactpod @GetYouARezz @GrillieBeaman @Meezyblvd @_SimiAshley Remember to send your listener letters to textuallyactivepod@gmail.com

What is Textually Active Podcast?

A podcast with two, (sometimes three friends) navigating the digital age while dealing with friendships, relationships and all the ships in between. New episodes every #TextualTuesday.