Just DAO It: A Podcast for People Starting DAOs

Recent headlines, tweets, and posts about DAOs from around the web; plus, I interview Eric Hill (a.k.a Rotorless).

Show Notes

An Exploration of Internet-Native Organizations
Bankless Publishing on Twitter: "DAOs need talent, like every employer. As easy as folk can walk into a DAO, they can quickly leave. To make a DAO successful, it must worry about its stickiness to retain talent. Here are 4 stickiness factors a DAO needs 🏞️💰🗳️🌱 A thread 🧵1/12 / Twitter"
The BendDAO bank run 💥
Sam Kazemian (¤, ¤) on Twitter: "I can't stand to not speak up about this @feiprotocol situation. Please read this 🧵 for one of the most egregious "DAO/DeFi" situations I've ever seen. There's CeFi drama stuff, but this is a new low for DeFi. / Twitter"
Decentralized Science DAOs Empower Scientists and Scientific Research - The Daily Hodl
DAOs won't win until they conquer the 3 C's
Autonolas on Twitter: "Despite the low average engagement, some DAOs are leading the way in getting their community members to participate in governance. Below are the DAOs (with more than 1000 members) that have the highest proportion of their communities voting on average. pic.twitter.com/nPudKlwkbb / Twitter"
US Tribal Nation Economic Zone Publishes Draft Rules for DAOs

Connect with Eric

Connect with Adam

What is Just DAO It: A Podcast for People Starting DAOs?

Just DAO It! is a podcast for people starting DAOs. Are you thinking about starting a DAO? Just DAO It! Every episode will cover recent DAO news, tweets, and posts from around the web. We’ll break down what the news means for you and combine it with great advice from people who have started or contributed to successful DAOs.

Disclaimer: Just DAO It! is for educational and entertainment purposes only. Just DAO It does **not** contain any legal or financial advice. MIDAO also does not provide legal or financial advice, and nor does your host, yours truly.

Just DAO It! is hosted by Adam Miller, the founder of MIDAO, the company that provides legal entities for DAOs.