Office 365 Distilled

Marijn takes the Catalyst IDEA model from Microsoft to the next level looking at D for Design. This is a great way to look at Digital Transformation in your business

You are designing a compelling case for change by discussing business and technological impact. During this, you'll quantify the ROI and financial benefits that include revenue growth, cost savings, and employee efficiencies.

This phase is about numbers confirming that your Transformation will have value and improvement. Understanding the current costs allows but to understand the scope of improvement through solid numbers... quantifying improvements.

Creators & Guests

Marijn Somers
Microsoft MVP. Freelance Microsoft 365 expert focusing on user adoption and governance. Trainer. Licensed watchmaker.

What is Office 365 Distilled?

This podcast is presented by Marijn and Steve; two experienced Microsoft 365 and SharePoint consultants. In each podcast you will get a smile or two with a chunk of interesting and practical help in Microsoft 365. Then you get introduced you to what we hope is a Whisky you have not tasted before.